Trans Pennine Oriental and Siamese Photos 2013Â were taken by Kevin Brock of Kevels Siamese. Many thanks Kevin for all your wonderful photos.
Imp Gr Ch Richdale Lone Ranger
Trans Pennine Oriental and Siamese Photos 2013
Cat pictures can be downloaded free of charge for your use, all we ask in return is if you publish them on your own website you credit the photographer and add a link back to Siamese Cat Breeder.
Siamese Cat Breeder are always on the look out for cat show exhibitors who are budding photographers – can you help Siamese Cat Breeder by volunteering as a show reporter or photographer?
Beckstar Sacramento
Bewychen Princeling Ming
Bewychen Princeling Ming
Bewychen Princeling Ming
Cosita Bruno Tonioli
Cosita Bruno Tonioli
Cosita Bruno Tonioli
Cwimkatz Egyptian Meryit
Cwimkatz Egyptian Meryit
Enigmatic Dannysgirl
Enigmatic Dannysgirl
Enigmatic Dannysgirl
Gr Ch & Gr Pr Hemlock Hey Fandango
Gr Ch & Gr Pr Hemlock Hey Fandango
Gr Ch & Gr Pr Hemlock Hey Fandango
Gr Ch Beckstar Batonrouge
Gr Ch Beckstar Batonrouge
Gr Ch Fiordiliso Nanpema-Nuage
Gr Ch Fiordiliso Nanpema-Nuage
Gr Pr Drestothril Daquari
Gr Pr Drestothril Daquari
Imp Gr Ch Richdale Lone Ranger
Imp Gr Ch Richdale Lone Ranger
Kevels Twice As Zappy
Kevels Twice As Zappy
Kevels Twice As Zappy
Pr Nanpema Oro-Negro
Pr Nanpema Oro-Negro
Pr Nanpema Oro-Negro
Shunra Fawntasia
Shunra Fawntasia
UK Imp Gr Ch Kevels Purrsonality
UK Imp Gr Ch Kevels Purrsonality
UK Imp Gr Ch Kevels Purrsonality
UK Imp Gr Ch Kevels Purrsonality
Westgarth Crystalina
Westgarth Crystalina
Winnothdale At Siamazing
Winnothdale At Siamazing
Winnothdale Witchcraft
Winnothdale Witchcraft
Winnothdale Witchcraft
Alderstar Mischief Managed
Alderstar Mischief Managed
About the author
Ross Davies
Ross is a UK Siamese & Oriental Cat Breeder breeding and showing his cats and kittens under the prefix Burnthwaites . He is the author on various cat related websites and blogs including 'Siamese Cat Breeder' and ''.
Ross is the creator of this website and has lived with cats since being a very young child. He started breeding cats in 2001 and has showed them successfully breeding many best in show cats.
Ross is a GCCF cat judge and also sits on cat club committees and both the Oriental and Siamese Cat Joint Advisory Committees. He holds certification in both feline behaviour & psychology and also cat anxiety and stress.
Ross writes extensively about cats and has been featured in magazines such as Your Cat and Our Cats and also guest authored on newsletters for various cat organisations. He is also a guest speaker at cat seminars.
Hey Kevin, photo’s SO sharp and a Narrow DOF to die for mate, from that prime lens of yours! (jealous, green face of mine here!) Graham PS let battle commence next year ha ha.
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Hey Kevin, photo’s SO sharp and a Narrow DOF to die for mate, from that prime lens of yours! (jealous, green face of mine here!) Graham PS let battle commence next year ha ha.