Introducing cream point Siamese cats.

G.C.C.F Old Breed No – 32cÂ
New EMS Code – SIA e
Cream Point Siamese Cats GCCF Standard of Points
Eyes – Brilliant intense blue, the deeper the better.
Points – Mask, ears and tail cool toned cream with a powdery look. A dark but cool toned cream is permissible, but a hot cream is incorrect. The legs and feet will be slightly paler in colour but definite colour should show at the rear of the hind legs below the hock. Barring and striping on mask, legs and tail is permissible. ‘Freckles’ may occur on nose, paw pads, lips, eyelids and ears. Slight freckling in a mature cat should not be penalised.
Body – Creamy white. Shading, if any, to tone with the points. Such shading may be uneven and a Cream Point should be penalised for shading no more no less severely than a Blue Point.
Nose Leather, Eye Rims and Paw Pads – Pink.
Withhold Certificates or First Prizes in Kitten Open Classes for:
1 Pale and/or dull eye colour
2 Hot cream in points or body colour.
3 General Siamese withholding faults.
Pictures of Cream Point Siamese Cats
If you have any photos of cream point Siamese cats or kitten then we would love to include them on the Siamese Cat Breeder website. Please submit them using the form at the bottom of this page.
Cream Point Siamese Kitten Pictures
Siamese Cat Breeder are very interested in adding pictures of cream point Siamese kittens at the various stages of early development. We believe this will help novice breeders identify the colour of their kittens easily. If you can help by adding to the contribution below we would love to hear from you.