Chocolate point Siamese cats introduced by GCCF Siamese Judge, Mrs J Starr.

The Chocolate point Siamese cats are one of the oldest of the recognised colours within the breed and are very popular as a pet.
The first Chocolate points were thought by breeders to be just poor Seal points and the Chocolate point  was not recognised as  a separate colour until the 1950s.
A good Chocolate point is a creature of great beauty, with a coat of warm ivory and points of milk chocolate. The points colour is often patchy &  the colour has many variations, some Chocolates are almost as dark as Seal points but ideally this is a totally different colour.
Although some cats show shading on their bodies when they are quite young, many Chocolate points  keep their beautiful pale coats all of their life.
Basic Chocolate Point Siamese Description

Chocolate point Siamese cats are one of the better known colours of Siamese cat. We have included different chocolate point Siamese pictures on this page. They include different shades of chocolate as not all chocolate points have exactly the same colour. Chocolates are occasionally mixed up with Seal points by non cat breeders. At first glance they are similar but the colour on their points is lighter and they tend not to be as shaded as seal points.
Chocolate point Siamese cats have a milk chocolate coloured face, tail and legs. Their bodies are an off white colour and occasionally display some light shading on the flanks and back. Like all Siamese cats they have blue eyes. The coat texture of a chocolate point is very soft.
G.C.C.F Old Breed No – 24b Â
New EMS Code – SIA b
Chocolate Point Siamese Cats GCCF Standard of Points
Eyes – Clear, bright, vivid blue.
Points – Milk chocolate; the mask, ears and tail to be the same colour. The ears should not be darker than the mask. Legs paler than the other points should not be too heavily penalised.
Body – Ivory all over. Shading, if any, to tone with the points.
Nose Leather and Paw Pads – Chocolate or pinkish chocolate.
Withhold Certificates or First Prizes in Kitten Open Classes for:
- Cold, dark points colour.
- Pale patchy points colour in kittens should not be penalised.
- Heavily shaded body
- General Siamese withholding faults.
Pictures of Chocolate Point Siamese Cats
If you have any photos of lilac point Siamese cats or kitten then we would love to include them on the Siamese Cat Breeder website. Please submit them using the form at the bottom of this page.
Chocolate Point Siamese Kitten Pictures
Below is a selection of chocolate point Siamese kitten pictures from one week old up to six months old. You will notice that like all Siamese kittens when born chocolate points are all white with the colour gradually developing on the points of the kitten. The point being the ears, face, tail and legs. Many thanks to Tina of Mullsi Siamese for sending in the photos of her lovely kitten.