Blue point Siamese cats introduced by GCCF Siamese judge, and well know Siamese cat breeder Mrs J Pounds of Jomese Siamese.

Blue pointed Siamese originated as far back as 1894 and were officially recognised by the GCCF in 1936, making them one of the first two recognised Siamese colours. Louis Wain, the famous cat artist was so appalled to see a blue point Siamese amongst the seal points at the 1896 Holland House Show, that he refused point blank to judge it or recognise it as a Siamese! It has long been noted and believed that blue pointed Siamese have a very different temperament and outlook on life to other colours. They are renowned for their easy going and laid back character, together with their ability to adapt to new situations. They tend to be very gentle, affectionate cats who are great home lovers. Many of the true blue points have a typically blue point gentle and serene expression, which completely complements their wonderful temperament.
A blue point Siamese has a striking and aesthetically pleasing colour that is quite unlike any other coat colour in Siamese. A good blue point should have points that are a dense, soft and gentle shade of blue – not grey and slate coloured, not pale blue and wishy-washy nor dark blue and harsh. The colour should be evenly washed across the mask, ears, legs and tail. Body colour should be a cold, glacial white, quite different to the warm white coat of the red points for example. Most older kittens or young adults will start to show some shading of this body colour, generally along the spine line initially. Any shading should be of a similar but lighter tone to the points colour. Ideally one would wish the soft blue / glacial white contrast to remain almost unimpaired but in reality, in many cases as a blue point gets older the glacial white coat will gradually show more and more of the blue shading. Nose leather on a blue point should be distinctly blue and at least as dark as the points colour. Technically the paw pads should also be blue, but in reality today are often a deep pinky blue colour. A pair of clear, bright, vivid blue eyes tops off this stunning and somewhat unsung colour.
Basic Blue Point Siamese Description
Blue point Siamese cats are one of the most well know colours of Siamese. We have included lots of blue point Siamese pictures on this page which we hope will show you the variation of type and colour in blue points. Though all the cats are blue points you will probably notice some differences in coat colour, shading and the different type. Some of the blue point Siamese cats that we have used as examples are of the older more moderate type and some of the modern type.
Blue point Siamese are often confused with caramel point Siamese. There differences are very subtle and it is a mistake even a seasoned Siamese cat breeder can make.
Blue point Siamese cats have a light grey face, tail and legs. Their bodies are an off white colour but may display some light shading on the flanks and back. Like all Siamese cats they have blue eyes. Their coat texture is very fine.
G.C.C.F Old Breed No – 24a
New EMS Code – SIA a
Blue Point Siamese Cats GCCF Standard of Points

Eyes – Clear, bright, vivid blue.
Points – Light blue. All points to be the same colour. The ears should not be darker than the other points.
Body – Glacial white shading gradually into blue on back, the same cold tone as the points, but of a lighter colour.
Nose Leather and Paw Pads – Blue.
Additional Faults:
- Cream, fawn or self blue body colours.
- Lack of tracings to the mask
Pictures of Blue Point Siamese Cats
If you have any photos of blue point Siamese cats or kitten then we would love to include them on the Siamese Cat Breeder website. Please submit them using the form at the bottom of this page.
Blue Point Siamese Kitten Pictures
Siamese Cat Breeder are very interested in adding pictures of blue point Siamese kittens at various different ages. We want to do this to help novice breeders identify the colour of their kittens. If you can help we would love to hear from you.