London Siamese Results 2016
GR CH Sisar Figaro

Adult & Overall – GR CH Sisar Figaro SIA d

Kitten – Alexsiam Haute Couture SIA n

Neuter – GR PR Abicasa Champagne Charlie SIA b


Imperial Grand Champion Classes

AC Siamese or Balinese Grand Champion Male – Judge: Mrs J Jones

IMP – GrCh Sisar Figaro SIA d (32a)

AC Siamese or Balinese Grand Champion Female – Judge: Mrs J Jones

IMP – GrCh Flowerdew Agnetha SIA n (24)

Grand Champion Male – Judge: Mrs E Corps

GR – Ch Mafdet Mendoza SIAb (24b)

Breed Classes

Seal Point Siamese– Judge: Mrs G Denny

BOB only N/A – GrCh Flowerdew Agnetha SIAn (24) F

Chocolate Point Siamese – Judge: Mrs G Denny

BOB only Ch Mafdet Mendoza SIAb (24b) M

Lilac Point Siamese – Judge: Mrs J Jones

1st CC & BOB – Wiccanways Pagandreams SIAc (24c)F

Red Point Siamese Adult – Judge: Mrs J Jones

BOB – GrCh Sisar Figaro M

AC Balinese Adult Male – Judge: Mrs J Jones

1st CC & BOB – Hartridge Hirafiki BAL b (61b) M


Open Classes

Seal Point Siamese Kitten Female – Judge: Mrs E Corps

1st –& BOB Alexsiam Haute Couture SIA n (24)

Tortie Point Siamese Kitten Female – Judge: Mrs E Corps

1st –& BOB Whalleybush Blaze of Glory SIAf (32b1)


Imperial Grand Premier Classes

AC Siamese or Balinese Grand Premier Male – Judge: Mrs E Corps

Imp – GrPr Abicasa Champagne Charlie SIAb (24b)

AC Siamese or Balinese Grand Premier Female – Judge: Mrs E Corps

IMP – GrPr Dibberpuss Dibbers BAL f21 (61et)

Grand Premier Classes

AC Siamese or Balinese Premier Male – Judge: Mrs G Denny

GR- Pr Moonfleet Scandalizer SIA m21 (32.8)

RES – Pr Pandai Hergest SIA d (32a)

Breed Classes

Chocolate Point Siamese Neuter – Judge: Mrs J Jones

BOB only – GrPr Abicasa Champagne Charlie MN

Caramel Point Siamese Neuter – Judge: Mrs E Corps

BOB only – Pr Laziza Mylo-Xyloto MN

Tabby Point Siamese Neuter – Judge: Mrs J Jones

BOB only – Pr Moonfleet Scandaliser MN

Red Point Siamese Neuter – Judge: Mrs E Corps

BOB only -Pr Pandai Hergest MN

AC Balinese Neuter – Judge: Mrs E Corps

BOB only– GrPr Dibberpuss Dibbers FN

About the author

Ross Davies

Ross is a UK Siamese & Oriental Cat Breeder breeding and showing his cats and kittens under the prefix Burnthwaites . He is the author on various cat related websites and blogs including 'Siamese Cat Breeder' and ''.

Ross is the creator of this website and has lived with cats since being a very young child. He started breeding cats in 2001 and has showed them successfully breeding many best in show cats.

Ross is a GCCF cat judge and also sits on cat club committees and both the Oriental and Siamese Cat Joint Advisory Committees. He holds certification in both feline behaviour & psychology and also cat anxiety and stress.

Ross writes extensively about cats and has been featured in magazines such as Your Cat and Our Cats and also guest authored on newsletters for various cat organisations. He is also a guest speaker at cat seminars.


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