Finding a good cat breeder is so important when looking for a new kitten to join your family. Reading our tips should help you find a good cat breeder.

Finding a Good Cat Breeder
Finding a Good Cat Breeder

Purchasing a new kitten is a big commitment and one that will last for the kitten’s lifetime. Choosing the right kitten is as much about finding the right cat breeder as it is about finding the right cat. Read on to find out the top ten things you should look out for in your kitten’s breeder.

  • An Invitation – After the initial contact you should be invited round to the breeder’s house. All good breeders will want you to visit their home where they raise they’re kittens. Any breeder who insists that you do not come round and instead wants to meet you at a nearby location is not a good breeder.
  • Cleanliness – Clean litter trays, clean food bowls and a relatively clean house are a good indication that the cats are well cared for and that the breeder is managing their cats well. Of course, it is Murphy’s Law that the minute you step over the threshold one of the kittens will decide that this is the perfect moment to empty his bowels! So don’t be too concerned if there are slight odours when you visit, as long as the trays are obviously regularly cleaned and emptied and everything looks fairly clean.
  • Meet the Parents – Although many breeders do not own the Father of their kittens, all should own the mother of the kittens. You should get to meet Mum and, if the breeder’s own the Father then you should have the offer to meet him to.
  • Healthy Cats – The cats and kittens should look healthy and happy. They should not have runny noses or dirty bottoms. Cats should not be constantly sneezing or wheezing and should be free from parasites. Mother cats may look a little on the thin side, especially if they have been raising a large number of babies, but she should look healthy. Kittens should be bright eyed and playful.
  • Friendly Cats – Although many cats can be wary of strangers, cats should quickly come round to new people who are respectful of them. They should not be petrified, hiding under furniture or hissing and snarling at you. Some cats are more timid than others, so one timid cat in the household is no need for concern as long as the others seem friendly and happy. The cats should definitely not be frightened of their breeders.
  • Playtime – Happy cats have plenty to do so an assortment of toys, shoelaces, scratching posts and activity centres should adorn a cat breeder’s house. Cats should be free to run about and climb, and you should see them playing. You might even be offered a feather tickler to tempt the litter of kittens to play with you.
  • Rosettes – Whilst having rosettes is not the be-all and end-all most registered breeders will participate in showing their cats from time to time. A breeder should be proud of their cats and happy to show them off. Be prepared to be bored to death with a never-ending list of how great a breeder’s stud cat is and how many titles, classes, best in shows he has won!
  • Free Range – Whilst kittening pens are used by many good cat breeders to litter train their kittens and to keep them safe when they are very young, older kittens shouldn’t be spending hours or days at a time in pens. The kittens should obviously have room to run and play and should be used to the surroundings that you see them in.
  • GCCF Registration – Insist that your kitten is to be registered with the GCCF or another cat registering body such as TICA. Before you purchase your kitten you must receive your certificate of registration. When you visit a kitten the first time they may not have been registered yet but they should all be registered by the time they are ready to leave home.
  • Gut Feeling – If something doesn’t feel right then walk away. Your gut feeling can often tell you a lot about a situation and you should listen to it. If you are not sure then go away and think about it. A new kitten is a big commitment and you want to get it right.

About the author

Ross Davies

Ross is a UK Siamese & Oriental Cat Breeder breeding and showing his cats and kittens under the prefix Burnthwaites . He is the author on various cat related websites and blogs including 'Siamese Cat Breeder' and ''.

Ross is the creator of this website and has lived with cats since being a very young child. He started breeding cats in 2001 and has showed them successfully breeding many best in show cats.

Ross is a GCCF cat judge and also sits on cat club committees and both the Oriental and Siamese Cat Joint Advisory Committees. He holds certification in both feline behaviour & psychology and also cat anxiety and stress.

Ross writes extensively about cats and has been featured in magazines such as Your Cat and Our Cats and also guest authored on newsletters for various cat organisations. He is also a guest speaker at cat seminars.


Cat Breeders, kittens

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