Useful Breeder Related Articles and Downloads
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there was a ‘one stop shop’ for cat breeders. A place where everything a cat breeder needed to know and various cat breeders downloads were available. Well the team at Siamese Cat Breeder thought so and because of this we decided to provide one!
We thought it would be useful to have a central area or ‘one stop shop’ on the website where breeders can quickly find articles regarding going to stud, delivering kittens, raising kittens and sending kittens to new homes. The page will also include a free download section that will give breeders specimen mating certificates, pedigrees, diet sheets and kitten care packs which can all be altered to suit individual needs.
The page aims to be informative and educational but most of all a good general resource for all cat breeders irrespective of the breed.
If you cannot find something on this page that you think should be included please use our internal search engine to find it. If you still can’t find it then contact us and we write it for you!
Cat Breeders Downloads
Below is a list of downloads with a short paragraph explaining why each of the downloads are important. Some of the cat breeders downloads do require further explanation and in those cases a link to the full article can be found at the end of the paragraph. From time to time more downloads will be added so keep checking back for new cat breeder downloads.
Siamese Colour Chart

Getting to grips with breed numbers and colour dominance can be very difficult. Remembering all the different breed numbers is not easy! When looking at pedigrees, entering cat shows or registering kittens it is essential to understand breed numbering. Read this article on Siamese breed numbering which includes a handy little Siamese colour chart to download which you can print out to help you with your breed numbers.
Making a Pedigree
Making a pedigree for your kitten owners is one of those things that is easy when you know how. There is pedigree software out there that will do it for you but of course this costs money. If you only breed a couple of litters a year then you might decide that buying software for making pedigrees is something you would prefer not to do. Read the article on making pedigrees and find out what you need as a bare minimum in a pedigree for cats and also some ideas for some little extras that will cost you nothing but a few moments of your time. More free pedigree template downloads and instructions can be found on the article about making pedigrees for kittens.
Mating Certificates
When you own a stud cat from time to time you might decide to allow somebody to bring a visiting girl into your boy. Read the article all about keeping a stud cat which includes an introduction about blood testing cats, stud housing, queens quarters, witnessed matings, mating certificates and a whole host of related subjects. The series of stud cat articles includes a free template mating certificate that can be modified to suit.
Kitten Care Guide
Every cat breeder should be sending their kittens off to their new homes with the basic essentials which include pedigree, registration document, inoculations card, insurance cover note, diet sheet and also a general kitten guide. This is often overlooked but really is something that your kitten and their new families can really benefit from. Read the full article on preparing a kitten pack and the article on keeping your new kitten safe. Download the PDF – ‘Kitten Care’ and give it to your new kitten families.
Kittens Diet Sheet
A kitten diet sheet is another essential really for any kitten leaving home. Continuity of diet is essential for any kitten leaving home as this is probably the most stressful time in the kittens life so far. Keeping the kitten food the same will mean one less thing that can upset your kitten in their new home. Download a sample kittens diet sheet here and you can also read more about cat nutrition with a further article on feeding kittens to follow soon.