Best Adult –Â Gr Ch Eireachdail Fhidleir (SIA d)
Best Kitten & Overall Siamese – Laokind Diamond-Jubilee (SIA b)
Best Neuter – Gr Pr Johpas The Red Baron (SIA d)
Imperial Grand Champion Classes
AC Siamese or Balinese Grand Champion Male – Judge: Mrs D Brown
Imp – Gr Ch Eireachdail Fhidleir (SIA d)
Open Classes
Red Point Siamese Adult Female – Judge: Mrs S Tokens
BOB – Gr Ch Eireachdail Fhidleir (SIA d)
Apricot Point Adult Female – Judge: Mrs D Brown
1CC BOB – Camacoona Enigmatic Lil (SIA em)
Open Classes
Chocolate Point Siamese Kitten Male – Judge: Mrs P Bruno-Grieve
1st – Toghar Chocolateer
Chocolate Point Siamese Kitten Female – Judge: Mrs P Bruno-Grieve
1st – Laokind Jewel Diamond-Jubilee
Red Point Siamese Kitten Male – Judge:Â
1st BOB – Laokind Lord Mountbatten
Imperial Grand Premier Classes
AC Siamese or Balinese Grand Premier Male – Judge: Mrs D Brown
Imp – Gr Pr Johpas The Red Baron (SIA d)
Reserve – Gr Pr Burnthwaites All-That-Jazz (SIA d)
AC Siamese or Balinese Grand Premier Female – Judge: Mrs D Brown
Imp – Ch & Gr Pr Palmira Stargazer Lily (SIA b 21)
AC Siamese or Balinese Grand Premier Male – Judge: Mr H Meekings
Grand – Pr Laokind Gambits Fire (SIA em)
Open Classes
Chocolate Point Siamese Neuter Male – Judge: Mr R Davies
1PC BOB – Gr Ch Laokind The Wolverine
Tabby Point (inc Cinnamon & Fawn) Siamese Neuter Male – Judge:Â
1PC BOB – Palmira Heilan Piper (SIA b 21)
Red Point Siamese Neuter Male – Judge: Ms S Devereux
1PC BOB – Gr Pr Johpas The Red Baron
Tortie Point Siamese Neuter Female – Judge:Â
BOB – Imp Gr Pr Ashjolex Auroraborealis (SIA k)
Apricot Point Siamese Neuter Male – Judge: Mr R Davies
BOB – Pr Laokind Gambits Fire